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HBO's Hard Knocks with the Raiders Amid AB Controversy, Week 4 Tonight

As if the Raiders needed anymore cameras during the 2019 pre-season, Antonio Brown made sure every camera and reporter has their eyes in Oakland.

After 3 weeks HBO's Hard Knocks in 2019, the Raiders haven't disappointed. The main story has definitely been Antonio Brown and the hits haven't stopped. Whether it's AB suffering frostbite on his foot from a freak accident or failing to comply with the NFL's helmet requirements and standards, he has kept the eyeballs on the program. The drama with AB has been an on-going story stretching from last year with the Pittsburgh Steelers even resulting in him missing the final game of the 2018 season.

Hoping to get a fresh start in Oakland the drama has followed AB and has continued even until today. Oakland Management hopes to see him on the field and productive for this upcoming season despite the off the field issues. Even with AB appealing to the NFL to play with his old helmet and denied, AB hasn't let the fight go. His Agent, Drew Rosenhaus, has responded saying "We're gonna move on. That door is closed" to response to AB wearing old helmet and also stated "As a result of all the publicity accrued from our efforts to get him to wear that helmet, he has multiple offers on the table right now from various companies to custom-make a helmet for him and pay him quite a bit of money, We have found, without getting into specifics, some very suitable alternatives. We're very excited. Antonio will be wearing a helmet. He won't be missing any time, and he'll be getting paid a lot of money to do so. It's sort of a happy ending, even though he won't be able to wear the old helmet."

HBO's Hard Knocks airs August 27th 10 pm Eastern

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